Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Shrinking Lover

I recently rented Talk to Her (2002) by Pedro Almodovar. Near the end of the movie is this incredible silent movie, The Shrinking Lover, that parallels the primary plot line about a male nurse and his patient, a beautiful dancer in a coma. Not that I didn't like the rest of the movie, but the not-so-repressed Freudian in me wanted more of the silent movie, just like I wanted the Dali dream sequence in Spellbound to continue a bit longer.

I have edited out the set up to the silent movie -- where the female scientist creates this elixir her lover impulsively drinks. He begins shrinking daily and decides to run away, sparing her from watching him diminish into nonexistence. He leaves his love and spends his remaining days with (but of course) his mother. The segment I have uploaded starts where the scientist has retrieved her tiny tiny lover by secreting him away in her purse. (A purse. Now what could that be a metaphor for?) She checks into a hotel and they spend the night together.

What is Almodovar's unconscious agenda:
  • Rape?
  • Passivity in women?
  • Tiny men?
  • Returning to the womb?
  • All of the above?

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! we are two musicians and we are doing a project over silent movies. We are particularly interested in this short abstract. We figured out that it's actually Almodovar's creation. Do you know anything else about it? Perhaps you have a full version of it?

    thanks a lot
