Friday, March 20, 2009

Calling all Quorum

The first item is to settle the fierce raging debate about whether the Unday falls (on the Sino-Mayan calendar, or ours) between Sat. and Sun., or between Sun. and Mon.
So far the latter is leading in unballoted opinion.


  1. I hope this is not old news, but since a quorum was called for, and there have been no comments to this thread, I thought I'd toss in my thoughts. My feeling, and we discussed this on the porch, is that the unday would fall between Sunday and Monday. Of course this rationale derives from a conventional Mon-Fri work week. For those who follow such a week, Saturday is the first full day de celebre, leaving Sunday for low-tox recovery, and lower impact socializing, followed by the unday: a day for accomplishing what you neglected to do over the weekend before the work week begins again. Some might argue that this the purpose of Sunday, but they would have to be puritans. A weekend's activities cannot possible be accomplished in a single day.


  2. Cheers to that! I agree. I am already looking forward to my first true Saturday-Sunday-Unday trifecta next weekend when Asya comes to town. But then that begs the question- if a visitor comes to town and stays through one's Unday does it remain an Unday? In the upcoming case I know for sure that there are plans to visit a plantation on the said "Unday" and of course that will include cocktails and shots of vodka and all around mirthmaking before, after and in between. A true Unday is supposed to be a day of accomplishing the mundane. It is day to clean up your mirthmaking mess and give you the false notion that you are not a total fucko and you have your shit together. Is my "Unday" undone by the fact that I will use it as an extra day of mirthmaking? Please help! Jeanette H.

  3. I believe that said scenario does indeed negate the "unday". In fact, I fear that were an "unday" to become a regular member of the weekly rotation, it would simply be co-opted by mirth. Let's face it, people, give us a day with limited responsibilities, and we will find a way to go fucko. Not every time of course, but I don't know, 7 out of 10?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. sorry, dunno how i fugged up the previous comment... here goes:

    so, unday is already a myth? an unreachable goal? i don't like this "unday" -- as it is the opposite of self-sabotage that i am so fond of. it reeks of paying bills, the necessary evil, and despair.

  6. Fuck it then. We Orleanians by law should be given a third day (on the heels of the weekend) and it shall be called "Unday" and we shall use it however we see fit and THEN we shall be granted a half day somewhere in the week to tidy up our biz. Yes?
