Thursday, May 21, 2009

Miami Kills Impasse Dead

by Brett Evans

20 May 2009

11:00 pm

(Written last night at Jeremy and Tatyana's house, after Brett asked Tatyana to give him five words. She did: consistency, bliss, plan, meow, blaring)

Somewhere over the twist

someone needs a certain chica

to just pick up where you left off

and bless whatever moon

is blessing you - from the beach
to this room. Except for very fine

friends & family sometimes, no plan

& the occasional fantastic stranger -

consistency is an overrated
concept. Life is a mess. Of course

let's go for the glorious meow.

We could be the blaring of
our own tender meaning - meaning

these people here break the impasse

Happy Anniversary, T and T!

Dear Todd and Trish,

Happy wedding anniversary!

Wishing you a long, prosperous, healthy life

Your wedding still makes me cry,
it was the perfect pre-K moment in time
we are left to long for.

You take harmonious co-existence
to another level,
and give marriage a good name.

Bliss out,
Love, Tat

Weather-Appropriate Quote of The Day

"He lives as one dreams of living, in a caravan. And even when it was no longer a caravan, somehow it still was."

- Jean Cocteau on Django Reinhardt, from "Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey" by Isabel Fonseca

Monday, May 18, 2009

We Put the "Me" Back in Miami

"Within this fragile eggshell is a dream which reveals itself when I wake up lying peacefully and my knees open to the sun." -- Patti Smith (overheard on the stereo, on the way back from South Beach/St. Augustine, with Janine driving all the way home).

Friday, May 1, 2009

Superfecta + 1
